Who we are

Partnering with global healthcare providers to improve patient safety, quality, outcomes, and value.
ACHS International (ACHSI) is a world-leading healthcare improvement organisation.

We were founded in 2005 as a wholly owned subsidiary of our not-for-profit parent company, The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) with the goal of sharing the Australian experience, expertise and unique approach to continuous quality improvement with healthcare organisations across the globe.

ACHS International at a glance

Your trusted quality improvement partner

Your trusted quality improvement partner
  • Today, ACHS International is an independent, private organisation with a global network active in four regions and representing 20 different countries and territories.
  • We are passionate about partnering with and working alongside our member organisations to identify and implement continuous quality improvement initiatives.
  • Our aim is to drive sustainable change to ensure improved quality, patient-centred care, experience, and outcomes are provided to patients, families, and the wider community.
  • We are known for our industry leading support to healthcare organisations, which continues throughout the entire membership and quality improvement journey.
  • Our organisation continually engages healthcare professionals, patients, consumers, government organisations, and industry stakeholders to develop new solutions and offerings to support your quality improvement endeavours.

Our Values


We work with our stakeholders to achieve goals.


We take responsibility for our performance.


We are committed to fostering an innovative and outcomes-driven culture.


Our flexibility enables us to adapt and embrace change.


We are quick to respond to the needs of our members and the ever-changing health landscape.


We strive for excellence in everything we do. 

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Our Commitment to Sustainability
  • ACHS and ACHS International are inspired by healthcare organisations in Australia and around the world who are focused on adopting sustainable practises, and as a business we are deeply committed to reducing our own impact on the environment.
  • To support our goals to reduce, reuse and recycle, ACHS has formed a Sustainability Committee and developed a Sustainability Strategy to guide us on our mission. Our Strategy focuses on areas of Consumables, Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact.
  • Learn more about our sustainability strategy and objectives to improve our practices for a greener planet.

Ready to take the next step?

If your organisation is interested in ACHS International membership and accreditation, contact us to find out which option best meets your needs.

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