Our People

A trusted team of experts, committed to quality outcomes.

Our Board of Directors

Mr Michael Roff

Board Chair
Mr Michael Roff
Mr Michael Roff

Mr Michael Roff

Board Chair
Michael Roff is the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Private Hospitals Association (APHA) a position he has held since March 2000. APHA is the peak national body representing the interests of the private hospital sector, with a diverse membership that includes large and small hospitals and day surgeries, for profit and not for profit hospitals, groups as well as independent facilities, located throughout Australia. For more than ten years, Mr Roff has also served on the Board of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards in addition to holding appointments on a wide range of government and industry advisory bodies.
Board Members:
Mr Mick Frewen
Dr Amandeep Hansra
Mr George Jepson
Mr George Kazzi

Chief Executive Officer

Dr Karen Luxford

Chief Executive Officer - ACHS and ACHS International
Dr Karen Luxford
Dr Karen Luxford

Dr Karen Luxford

Chief Executive Officer - ACHS and ACHS International
Dr Luxford has extensive experience in governance, strategic planning, safety and quality, healthcare standards, engaging with a wide range of stakeholders and leading organisational change. Dr Luxford is a senior executive in health with over 20 years’ experience in a range of leadership roles in the public, not for profit and private sectors including CEO, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, A/g CEO and Executive Director, Clinical Excellence Commission NSW and GM of the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre in Australia.
Dr Luxford is the former Board Chair of Endometriosis Australia (NFP charity), Council member of Standards Australia, member of the ISQua Accreditation Council, Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), Certified Health Executive (CHE) and Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) and the Australian Institute of Managers & Leaders (IML). Karen is an alumni Harkness Fellow in Healthcare Policy & Practice, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA and is passionate about health care.

Executive Director

Ms Louise Cuskelly

Executive Director - ACHS International and Consulting
Ms Louise Cuskelly
Ms Louise Cuskelly

Ms Louise Cuskelly

Executive Director - ACHS International and Consulting
Ms Cuskelly is a well-respected and experienced senior executive in health with more than 20 years’ experience in the public, not for profit and private sectors.

Prior to joining ACHSI, Ms Cuskelly held positions of Global Lead of Healthcare Partnerships for Risk Prevention, Medical Protection Society, UK; Client Management Lead, Cognitive Institute, an international healthcare education provider; CEO St Vincent’s Private Hospital; and member of the executive of St Andrew’s Private Hospital, Toowoomba, Australia.

Ms Cuskelly consults to leaders around the world on healthcare quality and improvement, supporting organisations to achieve high performance through measurable improvement in quality patient outcomes, professional accountability, and safety culture. She possesses expertise in clinical risk management, clinical governance, safety and quality, risk management, clinical leadership, and culture change. She is passionate about patient safety, sharing lessons learned and supporting organisations to deliver safer, kinder, and more reliable healthcare.

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